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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the Working Hours?


We are open every day from Monday to Saturday.





09:30 - 13:00

16:00 - 19:00

15:00 - 18:00


09:30 - 13:00

16:00 - 19:00

15:00 - 18:00


09:30 - 13:00




09:30 - 13:00

16:00 - 19:00

15:00 - 18:00




09:30 - 13:00

09:30 - 13:30


16:00 - 19:00

15:00 - 18:00
















Do you Deliver Worldwide?


If we have all the necessary measurements, we can deliver anywhere in the world. You can always contact us during our working hours for further details.


Do you have an online store?


We don’t have it at the moment, but we are working on it and soon you will be able to shop online with us. In the meantime please don’t hesitate to contact us for any queries you may have.


What is myopia or nearsightedness?


Nearsightedness, or myopia,  is a vision condition in which near objects are generally seen clearly, but distant objects are blurred and do not come into proper focus.


How is myopia treated?


Eyeglasses or contact lenses can be prescribed to correct nearsightedness and enable you to see more clearly optically. They alter how the light images are focused in your eyes but do not cure nearsightedness. You may only need them for certain activities, like watching television, going to a movie or driving a car.


Hyperopia - (Farsightedness)


Hyperopia is another name for farsightedness. Farsighted may sound like the opposite of nearsighted, but it is not. Farsightedness is very different from nearsightedness. 

Nearsighted people can see close-up objects and have trouble seeing objects at a distance. Farsighted people have trouble focusing on objects in general due to a refractive error in the eyes.


My child stands in front of the TV


Hyperopia in children can be hard to detect. For example, a child who has hyperopia may not stand very far away from the TV screen to see. They may stand right up close to it.

This is because the farsighted child is used to not being able to focus on finer details and standing closer to the screen allows them to at least see blurry images.

Their eyes have never been able to see fine detail, unlike a nearsighted child, who knows they can see fine detail at certain distances. A nearsighted child has very good vision at a closer range and is used to being able to see detail when objects are held close to the face.


What is the importance of contact lens hygiene and how do I clean my lenses and case?


It is extremely important to maintain a high level of contact lens hygiene and that you follow all the cleaning procedures outlined in this section. Following these steps will reduce the risk of infection:

  • Always thoroughly dry your hands before handling your lenses or touching your eye.

  • Do not get water in contact with your lenses or case.


It is vital always to follow the instructions provided with your care solutions. Not caring for your lenses properly may put the health of your eyes at risk.

If you use peroxide solution it is important to use the barrel case supplied. The case has a catalytic disc at the bottom which is essential to neutralise the solution before you wear your lenses. The case must be replaced monthly. Only use peroxide solution if you have been shown how to do so.

If you use a multipurpose solution,  always RUB AND RINSE your lenses each time you take them out.

  • Keep your case clean. Clean and rinse your case each week with your contact lens disinfecting solution. Never use tap water.

  • Replace your lens case at the regular intervals advised by your optician or as specified in your solution instruction leaflet.

  • Always keep caps on solution bottles.

  • Always store your lenses in fresh solution.

  • Dispose of your solution bottles as advised in the instructions for use.


Can Contacts Get Lost in Your Eye?


  • Usually when someone asks, "Can contacts get lost in your eye?" they are wondering if the acontact lens can become dislodged from the front of the eye and get lost or trapped behind the eye.

  • Here's the good news: That's impossible.

  • The inner surface of the eyelids has a thin, moist lining called the conjunctiva. At the back of the eyelids, the conjunctiva folds back and becomes the outer covering of the white part of the eyeball.

  • The continuous nature of the conjunctiva from the eyelids to the eyeball makes it impossible for anything to get behind the eye and become trapped there.


What do I do if the contact lens feels uncomfortable in my eye?


First, slide it off-centre and allow it to slide back into place. If it is still uncomfortable, remove the lens and rinse it thoroughly with saline or a solution recommended by your optician.

If you insert a lens that is inside out it may feel uncomfortable. Remove the lens and check the shape.  If you can’t see clearly, the lens may have fallen out when you blinked if it wasn’t properly in place. To find the lens, look first on your eyelashes or cheek, or the cloth in front of you.

Rinse the lens thoroughly with saline or a solution recommended by your optician. Always carry your lens case filled with a fresh soaking solution or saline unless you wear daily disposable lenses.
Keep your spectacles with you at all times


How do I check if my contact lens is inside out?


Check the lens

  • With the lens on the tip of your finger, have a good look at it. It should be a regular semicircular shape. If the lens edge has a lip, it is probably inside out

  • If the lens is inside out, place it in the palm of your hand, add a few drops of solution and gently turn the lens the right way round

  • Never put the lens in your eye if it is torn


Why get Sunglasses for my child


Children's eyes are more susceptible to UV and HEV radiation than adult eyes because the lens inside a child's eye is less capable of filtering these high-energy rays. This is especially true for young children, so it's wise for kids to start wearing protective sunglasses outdoors as early in life as possible.  Also, be aware that your child's exposure to UV rays increases at high altitudes, in tropical locales and in highly reflective environments (such as in a snowfield, on the water or on a sandy beach). Protective sunwear is especially important for kids in these situations.

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